


gmsh自带了一个不算简陋的造型系统,不过我还是习惯用Creo这类软件画图,导出成*.step格式(*igs格式在网格软件中的兼容性相当捉鸡),然后用gmshOpen CASCADE模块导入之,再继续在gmsh中操作。这样做在做单个零件网格划分的时候是没问题的,但做多物理体仿真的时候,这么搞有可能出现零件界面上网格点不对齐的问题,尤其是在具有复杂形状的零件界面上。




# Any way to make gmsh to use the same vertex set on both sides of a material boundary?

I am trying to mesh a complex geometry composed of 3 kinds of materials, like below:


The geometry is imported from a *.stp file.

I defined several physical surfaces and 3 physical domains in the geo file:

Physical Surface("air-case", 1) = {50, 42, 41, 40, 48};
Physical Surface("case-thermal", 2) = {32, 15, 22, 21, 25};
Physical Surface("thermal-grain", 3) = {2, 7, 6};
Physical Surface("thermal-fluid", 4) = {30, 27};
Physical Surface("burning", 5) = {3, 4, 5, 10, 13, 9, 11, 12};

Physical Surface("case-sym", 11) = {49, 51, 34, 43, 44, 47};
Physical Surface("thermal-sym", 12) = {24, 28, 14, 23, 29, 33};
Physical Surface("grain-sym", 13) = {8, 1};

Physical Volume("case", 1) = {6, 5, 7};
Physical Volume("thermal", 2) = {2, 3, 4};
Physical Volume("grain",3)={1};

The picture looks ok at first glance. The vertices near material boundaries are well aligned, see enlarged views below:


However, inside the geometry (actually, near the middle of the cylinder part), you can find the vertice are not aligned:


It is weird because, on the boundary of the green and yellow material, all the vertice are aligned. Even though the output mesh contains duplicated points, I can easily remove duplicated ones according to the coordinate. I think this means gmsh does have the ability to ensure this.

However, near the yellow/blue interface, vertice just randomly distributes on two sides, it is then impossible to connect the vertices without modifying the coordinates.

I think there must be some way to ensure gmsh to use the same vertex on both sides of the interface, but I didn't find relevant information in the document. Any suggestions?


OK, I've got the solution somewhere else. I am posting it here to help others who encountered the same issue.

The problem is resulted by my modelling procedure. I modelled the geometry using Creo in separated parts and then exported the assembly. As a result, the *.stp file contains several geometries which are not topologically connected.

To solve this, we need to merge the duplicated surfaces. There are two options:

You can use the new CAD features in Gmsh to remove these duplicate internal surfaces. With the stable release, you can do

SetFactory("OpenCASCADE"); v() = ShapeFromFile("file.step"); BooleanFragments{ Volume{v()}; Delete; }{}

With the latest development snapshots, you can use the "Coherence" shortcut (which does exactly the same thing):

SetFactory("OpenCASCADE"); Merge "file.step"; Coherence;

The Coherence didn't work for my model, but BooleanFragments worked perfectly. Thank professor Geuzaine for offering help.





  • 最后更改: 2019/05/29 13:34